April Minatrea, Ph.D.

Psychologist & Speaker

What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

– Mary Oliver

What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

– Mary Oliver

There’s a dream inside you waiting to come true…

Are you living your dream?

Or do you feel stuck? 

Are you numbing out with distractions while the dream inside you dies? 

Even if life has knocked you down, you’re not sure how to move forward, or you’re simply afraid, there is hope.

Dream Course

3D: Dream. Declare. Do!

Available Now!

By Changing the Beliefs That Drive Behavior

You Can Be


Free from negative patterns 

Free to be fully you

Free to pursue your dreams


Confident & courageous

Able to take risks
& take action

Able to help & inspire others


Growing & thriving–not merely surviving 

Healthy & resilient 

Prospering in health, wealth, & relationships

What’s the most important change you’d like to make right now?

What is holding you back?

What is it costing you to stay the same?

How would life be different if you were successful making that change?

What would that breakthrough be worth to you?

Invest in yourself.

Private Sessions 




For Personal, Professional, & Spiritual Development

Special Breakthrough Series

Reclaim Your A-Game:

Overcome Critical Leadership Injuries

If you’ve suffered a setback from an experience with poor leadership, there is hope. The Critical Leadership Injury Protocol (CLIP) can help you heal from the pain of the past and move forward powerfully and unhindered. 

Favorite Topics

Discover Your Superpowers

Changing Your Brain, Beliefs, & Behavior

Imagine your life as a movie in which you are the hero. Using tools from psychology and neuroscience, you’ll discover your superpowers, defeat the villain of fear, and realize your happy ending.  

Believe & Achieve

How the Psychology of Hope Can Help You Live Your Dreams

Do you believe the future will be better than the present–and that you have the power to help make it so? 

To have hope, we need goals, pathways to those goals, and agency–the belief that we have what it takes to achieve them. When we do the doable, we can do the impossible! 

Living the Dream

Things I Learned From Doing My Bucket List

Are you living the dream? 

Inspirational experiences, woven together with practical wisdom, create a roadmap for adventure and living the story you want to tell. 

Hi, I’m April.


After achieving my dream of becoming a clinical psychologist, I thought I’d be on top of the world. I had earned my undergraduate degree from Texas A&M University and my PhD from the University of Kansas. I had completed my internship and post-doc at the VA and found rewarding opportunities for serving our nation’s military as a contractor for the Department of Defense. I built a thriving private practice doing deep and life-changing work. 

Though I was happy and successful, I remember thinking: Now what? Just sit in this little room for the next 30 years?

The biggest dream I’d had for my life turned out to be too small! 

So I took a two-year sabbatical and pursued another dream of going to ministry school, which in turn has unlocked one dream after another! 

I’ve learned the secrets of dreaming BIG and pursuing the impossible. Now, it is my pleasure to share these secrets with others. Drawing on tools I learned as a psychologist, I teach people how to break through fear and other obstacles to cultivate a life of hope, passion, and adventure!

I wished to live deliberately…and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

– Henry David Thoreau

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